ISBN 978-956-9242-48-9

In search of the guts of Ice
The heroic age of Antartic exploration

Autor:Lecaros, Juan Francisco
Colaborador:Comber Vial, Cecilia (Traducido por)
Editorial:Editorial Legatum Ltda.
Materia:Historia de Chile
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:253
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


This buoy is in Rio Seco, a few kilometres south of Punta Arenas, in front of a theatrical setting: the remains of a large refrigerator built in 1905 and looking at the beautiful horizon of the Strait of Magallanes.

This was where in September 1916 the Yelcho disembarked bringing all the castaways back safe and sound. Here, Shackleton called Punta Arenas saying that the mission had been successfully completed.

The author of the book wanted to leave a buoy in tribute to this epic and the men who carried it out. On the wall of the coastal road there is a plaque with a QR code where one can see a film that summarizes the feat. HERE WAS ANTARCTICA. The wind, the southern cold, the sound of the cans from the old refrigerator, puts us in the atmosphere of this extraordinary adventure.


Avda. Lib. Bdo. O'Higgins 1370, Of. 502. Santiago / Tel. 226720348